Hops at the Mansion 2013

Hops at the Mansion 2013
Executive Mansion, Richmond, Va

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Bill Walsh & Hops?

Everyone knows Bill Walsh. Famed Hall of Fame NFL Coach of San Francisco 49ers who retired after winning his third Super Bowl in January '89. I remember it like it was yesterday because '89 was the year I graduated high school. The 49ers would go on and win again the following season trouncing my Denver Broncos 55-10 in the year I entered the military. The next Super Bowl would  begin the Bills era of losses, but I would not see them begin there Super Bowl four peat as in '91 most of our military was gearing up for the Persian Gulf War and the Air War would begin weeks after the Bills lost to the New York Football Giants.

I was never a 49er fan. Never a big Montana guy. More of a John Elway guy but Coach Bill Walsh always impressed me. A few years ago I got a hold of his book, a road map more or less to apply to a great many things other than football.

Here is some take away of working principles and ones I seek to apply to my goal of trying to reintroduce Hops to Virginia:

1. We will handle big losses no different than big wins.
2. We must be patient when we grow
3. We must deal with setbacks
4. Don't be consumed by the competition
5.Be ready when the opportunity presents itself
6. Don't be awed by anyone
7. Don't let yourself become distracted by others
8. Each week is a new season
9.Don't expect some else to prepare you; prepare yourself


Thanks Coach! Put me in. I'm ready to Play!

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